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Home » GAS SAVER GS-35


Part Number: 0762728

SAVE GAS UP TO 30-35 %

The device Pluscontrol GS35 must be applied to the outlet of all Argon or CO2 regulators of any brand. It solves the big problem of huge waste of gas when opening the torch solenoid valve, a few known.

In that moment, in fact, the hose between the regulator and the solenoid valve remains full of gas at a high pressure due to previous stop of the flow (closing of the solenoid valve). As soon as you press the torch trigger (MIG or TIG) there is a release of a huge flow of gas which gets wasted.

Pluscontrol GS35 helps to save up to 30-35 % of your gas.

Art. Nr. Description Inlet
0762723 Pluscontrol GS35 Ar/CO2
G3/8"F G3/8"M
0762724 Pluscontrol GS35 Ar/CO2
G3/8"F G3/8"M
0762728 Pluscontrol GS35 Ar/CO2 Brass G1/4"F G1/4"M
391P000004 Flowmeter 30 l/m